Who are Emmanuel Intercessors?
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth … I saw the Holy City, and the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, as beautiful as a bride all dressed for her husband.
Then I heard a loud voice call from the throne, 'You see this city?
Here God lives among men. He will make His Home among them;
they shall be His People, and He will be their God;
His Name is “God-with-them.” (“EMMANUEL”) (Revelations 21:1-3)
Emmanuel Intercessors (EI) is the African branch of a new Catholic “international house of prayer” called-- “The Fellowship of the Burning Bush” (FBB). We are called by God to serve Him and His Church as Catholic charismatic missionary intercessors.
The cross-shaped star over Africa reminds us of how teh Lord Jesus Christ came to be with us from Israel as a refugee in Egypt soon after His birth. From the ray of the star which points to Kenya, the first home of Emmanuel Intercessors in Africa, the seven lines of a rainbow arch out over Africa. This rainbow represents the fulness (seven) of God’s Covenant with all mankind. Here it enshrines the New Covenant of God with man, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is God and man, and Who came to us through Mary, His Mother. Emmanuel continues to dwell with us through the most Holy Eucharist… symbolized by the host shape that encircles our name of Emmanuel Intercessors. We continue to welcome Emmanuel to Africa through our intercession prayer.
In 1986, the Apostolate of The Fellowship of the Burning Bush (FBB) was first introduced in Kenya by the foundress and moderator of FBB, Franciscan missionary, Sister Stephen, under His Eminence Maurice Cardinal Otunga. This New Intercession in the Spirit of Jesus has born the fruit of many miracles in the Church and in the nation over the years.
In 1994, we were seeking the Lord for the name of our intercession apostolate in Africa. He gave us the name “MUNGU YU PAMOJA NASI” which means, “EMMANUEL” -- “GOD IS WITH US.” (Matthew 1: 22-23) And true to His Word, GOD HAS BEEN WITH US, gradually teaching us how to intercede and answering our prayers in His marvellous ways.
In 2018, Emmanuel Intercessors was established as an 'Association of the Faithful " in the Archdiocese of Pretoria, South Afica.
As we have continued to seek the Lord about the meaning of our call, the Holy Spirit has been revealing to us, through the charismatic gift of prophecy, the following prophecies:
“I am calling you by name. Come and follow Me, even though you do not understand.”
“I am raising up in you, an army of prayer warriors to work with Me in prayer for My Church.”
“Take courage, My Children, you are My Dwelling Place.”
“In you I will sow the dreams I have for my people.”
“You are like watchmen. Watch over My People and My Church and lead them up to Me in prayer.”
“I am the Lord your God, nothing is impossible for Me. I will be with you and watch over you day and night. I have given you the authority, go out now...”
“If two of you on earth agree to ask anything, it will be granted to you by My Father in heaven.”
(Matthew 18: 19-20.)
We offer our whole lives to God our Father in response to His call to us, to serve Him as Catholic missionary intercessors with His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the greater Glory of God. Through the Holy Spirit, together with Mary our Mother, we are united to catch and live the Merciful Love of God and share His Love with others through our missionary work of intercession. In intercession prayer, we join hands with the Lord Jesus Christ and each other to build the human family into the Family of God.
In our prayer, we depend on and seek to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lift up the People of God according to His Will. This we do especially in praise and worship. It is in praise and worship of the Triune God that we are led into the discovery of His profound Love for us. We experience God deeply by praising Him for Who He is and allowing Him to be The Lord who “dwells in the praises of His People.” (Psalm 22:3) Drawing close to God in praise and worship, the Holy Spirit can more clearly remind us of the situations He wants us to pray for. He also shows us how to pray for these situations, drawing on all His traditional Catholic ways of prayer, including His Marian and charismatic ways of prayer. The Lord invites us, in our prayer, not to limit Him.
of Israel - so great is His power, so great is His strength.”
(Isaiah 40: 25, 26.)
We have experienced this tremendous Power and Love of God in our intercession for His People.
We serve the Lord in small groups of intercession for parishes, for small Christian communities, and for various ministries and other groups and their events. Also, we have sponsored and participated in intercession retreats and training seminars, and missionary projects of intercession in various dioceses in Kenya and other nations, including the annual FBB international intercession pilgrimages for the whole Church in various countries. We work under the authority of the Catholic Church in the area we are serving, seeking spiritual guidance from the Church both at personal and ministry level. Presently, we are based in the Archdiocese of Nairobi.