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History of FBB


+ 1982

In 1982, Franciscan Missionary, Sister Stephen, was seeking God's Will
in forty days of prayer and fasting
at Lugar de Paz, a Benedictine House of Prayer in Prescott, Arizona, USA.
During that time, the Lord called her to found an international missionary association of
the New Intercession in the Spirit of Jesus for the Church called
"The Fellowship of the Burning Bush" (FBB).

Since that beginning, the Holy Spirit has led her
to form many missionary intercessors in some 26 nations with abundant good fruits.
In all countries, FBB intercessors serve with deep love and commitment
to the Lord and His Church, especially to our Holy Father,
and with the knowledge and blessing of their Local Ordinaries.

+ 1986

In 1986, Sister Stephen, Foundress and Moderator of FBB,
officially submitted FBB mission and members, present and future,
to the spiritual authority of our Holy Father John Paul II
and received his personal, Apostolic Blessing
for God's anointing, guidance, and spiritual protection
in FBB service of intercession for the Church.


June 6, 1982 (Solemnity of Most Holy Trinity, the First Sunday after Pentecost).
-- Foundation Day of FBB

In many Arch / dioceses around the world,
branches of FBB have been officially established as
a "Private Association of the Faithful" (CIC/1983, cc 298-326).

November 21, 1993 (Feast of Christ the King)
-- Kaikai I Mau (the Harvest is Ready) Intercessors
-- Diocese of Wewak, Papua New Guinea

December 8, 1996 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception)
-- Siervos Del Cordero (Servants of the Lamb)
-- Archdiocese of Mexico City, Mexico

December 9, 1996 (Feast of St. Juan Diego)
-- Siervos Del Cordero (Servants of the Lamb)
-- Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico

December 12, 1997 (Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe)
-- Siervos Del Cordero (Servants of the Lamb)
-- Archdiocese of Tlalnepantla, Mexico

July 22, 2000 (Feast of St. Mary Magdalen)
-- Siervos Del Cordero (Servants of the Lamb)
-- Diocese of Acapulco, Mexico

August 15, 2007 (Feast of Assumption)
-- Ai No Izumi (Fountain or Spring of God's Love)
-- Diocese of Kagoshima, Japan

November 7, 2007 (Feast of St. Willibrord)
-- Gideon Voorbiders (Gideon Intercessors)
-- Diocese of Haarlem, Netherlands

July 16, 2008 (Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
-- The Sanctuary Intercessors
-- Archdiocese of Bombay, India

August 15, 2008 (Feast of Assumption)
-- Arca De Alianza (Arc of the Covenant)
-- Archdiocese of Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central America

April 1, 2018 (Easter Sunday)
-- Emmanuel Intercessors
-- Archdiocese of Pretoria, South Africa

December 6, 2018 (Feast of St. Nicolas)
-- Kaikai I Kau (the Harvest is Ready) Intercessors
-- Archdiocese of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea

August 15, 2019 (Feast of Assumption)
-- Siervos Del Cordero (Servants of the Lamb)
-- Prelature of Canc«ān-Chetumal, Mexico

July 1, 2021 (Feast of Precious Blood of Jesus)
-- Siervos Del Cordero (Servants of the Lamb)
-- Diocese of Canc«ān-Chetumal, Mexico

May 24, 2021 (Feast of Our Lady, Mother of the Church)
-- Kaikai I Kau (the Harvest is Ready) Intercessors
-- Diocese of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

May 25, 2021 (Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord)
-- Emmanuel Intercessors
-- Archdiocese of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

June .... 2021 (Feast of ++++)
-- Kaikai I Kau (the Harvest is Ready) Intercessors
-- Diocese of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea