

    WHO IS FBB?          FBB BRANCHES           RESOURCES           EVENTS           LET US PRAY           LINKS           CONTACT      


Who is FBB?


"My house
shall be called
a house of prayer
for all the peoples."
(Isaiah 56:7)

FBB is a new international, spiritual "house of prayer";
a prayer army ...
a new spiritual fellowship in the Holy Spirit
of those who have been called by God ...
from around the world,
to serve Him and His Church ...
as Catholic, Charismatic, Missionary Intercessors ...
and is open to all intercessors in the Body of Christ.

FBB is created by the mutual agreement of those called by God
to intercede in a united, committed, focused way
in the love and power of Holy Spirit
especially for the work of Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church world - wide.

As missionaries of God's Love,
FBB intercessors live and serve
in their own groups, parishes, ministries, and communities.
Periodically they join together,
traveling in missionary pilgrimages
to intercede for the Church in a specific nation or place.

FBB is established and in formation
as a new Private Association of the Faithful
in various Catholic Arch/dioceses around the world ...
and is in process to become
a Pontifical Private Association of the Faithful in the Catholic Church.

Alleluia! Welcome in the Name of Jesus!
