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FBB Foundress


Franciscan Missionary, Sister Stephen (Stephanie Culhane), is Foundress and Moderator of FBB and FBB Branches around the world.

Born August 19, 1944 into a deeply Catholic, Irish - American family in Minnesota, USA, she was baptized Stephanie Kathleen Culhane. She had a solid Catholic education in elementary, high school, and college levels.

In the 1970's, she received Certificates in Theology from the Graduate Theological Union (California). At the Institute of Spirituality and Worship (JSTB), she studied graduate level courses in "Charismatic Spirituality" and "Spiritual Direction", including the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. She also received spiritual formation from the Camaldolese Monks in the monastic and heremitical life. In 1986, she had the privilege of special studies at ª±cole Biblique et Arch«±ologique in Jerusalem.

In 1963, Sister Stephen entered Franciscan canonical formation in the Third Order Regular of St Francis. In 1972, she professed first private vows as second founding member of a new charismatic Franciscan Religious Order in the Church. In 1986, she professed final vows as an isolated member of a Third Order Secular Franciscan.

In 1990, the Consecration of Virgins was bestowed upon her with all juridical effects at Vatican City. With the discernment and permission of former OFM Conventual Minister General, who was also former under-secretary of the Vatican Congregation of Religious, this Consecration is to be lived out under the direction of the Franciscans rather than under the direction of a specific Bishop. In the same liturgical ceremony, she made her final Public Profession of Evangelical Counsels as a Franciscan hermit and itinerant missionary and pilgrim; and she was given the name of Sister Stephen as a sign of her Consecration and Franciscan profession. Her entire Franciscan Journey has been in obedience to the Lord Jesus with the discernment and direction of proper authorities in the Franciscan Order and in the Catholic Church.

In 1982, God called Sister Stephen to found an international missionary association of the "New Intercession in the Spirit of Jesus" for the Church called: "The Fellowship of the Burning Bush" (FBB).

In 1986, Pope Saint John Paul II gave his personal blessing to Sister Stephen for FBB Missionary Apostolate in the whole Church. As of the 40th anniversary of FBB in 2022, "Branches of FBB" have been officially established as an "Association of the Faithful" in some 16 Catholic Arch/dioceses in 12 nations around the world.

Sister Stephen has authored the "Intercession in the Spirit of Jesus Training Course" on DVD and many Books on the New Intercession in the Spirit of Jesus. All of these resources bear the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. Many have been translated into various languages, including Dutch, Japanese, Lithuanian, Spanish, and Swahili.

Glory to God for so many years of God's Favor and Great Blessing in all He has done! Alleluia!