"Our Lord Jesus appointed 72 others
and sent them out ahead of Him in pairs,
to all the towns and places He Himself was to visit.
He said to them,
'The harvest is ready, but the laborers are few.
the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to His harvest'."
(Luke. 10: 1-2)
As with the early disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
so also today,
the Holy Spirit calls and sends out those
who are to go before the Lord
and prepare the way for His coming NOW - -
by their missionary service of intercession prayer.
The Lord described FBB
as "a missionary call - a new work -
an independent work of My Spirit ....
which is a service to all other groups, ministries,
parishes, missions, communities, and organizations
who reach out to others as an expression of the People of God.
You are People of God praying for People of God
that they might become all I desire in Christ Jesus -
and that means both for life and for service.".....
"I have called My intercessors to prepare the way of the Lord
in every place and every land,
and to secure the work of Holy Spirit whatever form that may take."
FBB Intercessors serve God and His people as
"Missionaries of God's Love"
through their prayer of intercession in two ways:
we pray together ourselves in intercession.
we make opportunties and sponsor events
to bring all of God's people together to intercede
as the Holy Spirit leads us.
Many times since our beginning in 1982,
FBB intercessors from different nations
have joined together for an
International Pilgrimage of Intercession ....
to pray for the Church in a specific nation
and for the whole Church.
We give Glory to Jesus
for the fruits of our Father's mighty miracles resulting from
the FBB International House of Prayer joining in intercession
with the local Church in those specific nations.